Prataap Snacks Limited IPO - Should you subscribe?
Every shining 'Yellow' thing is not gold. The same way 'Yellow Diamond' is not real diamond to prospective shareholders. Indore based regional player Prataap Snacks Ltd running Yellow Diamond brand name is going to hit the primary market. After Bharat Road Network Ltd and Ltd , fundamentally not so good company Prataap Snacks Ltd is also going to trap the market to take the advantage of current bull IPO bull market. Regardless of hard core fundamentals of the company, every IPO is getting oversubscribed. No matter what share price is set, does that justify the RoNW (Return On Networth) and EPS (Earning Per Share) of the company, IPOs are getting overwhelming response from every category of subscriber. Prataap Snacks Ltd's IPO is opening on September 22,2017 and closing on September 26,2017. The tentative date of allotment is September 29,2017. You can see allotment status on this link and the tent...